Emlyn lamburn - Osteopath
Emlyn first experienced osteopathy as a patient. Intrigued, he went on to train at the British School of Osteopathy, gaining his Master of Osteopathy degree with distinction.
After graduating Emlyn wanted to develop a more distinctively osteopathic and holistic approach. Hence he progressed to postgraduate studies with the Institute of Classical Osteopathy.
For Bookings, Please contact
Mobile Number: 07557 968 032
Email : info@bayoga.co.uk
Classical Osteopathy:
Classical osteopaths see a two-way relationship between body mechanics and health. Simply put, if you expend less energy resisting gravity you have more to recover from injury or illness.
Body tissues need certain things to be healthy. These include good arterial blood flow, effective venous and lymphatic drainage, and appropriate nerve supply and control. Classical osteopathy views disease as adaptation occurring when these requirements are compromised by changes in body structure or function.
Treatment aims to help your body improve its relationship with gravity and encourage integrated function amongst body tissues and systems. The body is relaxed and its structure is adjusted through gentle rhythmic movements, using the limbs as levers.
With your consent careful specific adjustments may also be used where called for. But whilst joints occasionally ‘click’ during treatment this is not a goal in itself, or seen as particularly important.
Osteopathy is a regulated profession in the UK. All osteopaths must have a recognised qualification (usually a 4-5 year degree) and register with the General Osteopathic Council. As primary healthcare professionals osteopaths are trained to recognise where patients have problems requiring medical attention and refer appropriately.
Your first appointment involves a medical history and examination as well as treatment if appropriate. Hence it will take around 60 minutes, whereas follow-up sessions last up to 45 minutes. You will be asked to undress to your underwear or wear something else allowing assessment of your posture and movement.