Serap is a Nutritionist and Kinesiologist practicing in Hertfordshire and London. She uses holistic approach to restoring health and well-being. She utilises muscle testing as a form or diagnosis and applies various therapy forms to restore health and well-being. Your body knows when something is out of balance and through asking the right questions we can obtain the answer from the cells. Kinesiology addresses the digestive, hormonal, neuro-vascular, lymphatic, meridian and skeletal systems and is able to identify and treat the root cause of an imbalance rather than just the symptom: I.E poor digestion or frequent lower back and joint ache are often caused by a poor diet that is causing inflammation in the body. Specific dietary adjustments and lymphatic massage need to be applied in order to help the body heal the inflammation rather than giving the patient a “all fits one” pill that temporally dulls down the symptoms

She works in a collaborative style, coaching clients through changes they may need to make in order to optimise their health.

She can build an effective and customised lifestyle and nutrition plan that you will be able to implement and continue to follow in order to address your health imbalances also help you to reverse lifestyle diseases.

For Bookings, Please contact

Mobile Number: 07557 968 032
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