I didn’t know, but I have been blessed with time to observe post an operation for a Lisfranc injury. Are there things about BAYoga that you have observed, can we improve, do we need to change anything?
I fell over a stop cock cover walking to work on the 30th December 2017. It’s now 1st June 2018 and I am still using crutches to walk. Many people have commented that I must be frustrated and bored now, but actually, NO! I am extremely grateful for this time, as its given me the opportunity to reflect on my life and just ‘be’.
The first six weeks post operation I was couch bound, and this meant that I had to inject daily to avoid blood clotting. This I was extremely grateful for, as it meant I had a minuscule insight into what my son goes through daily. Diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic at the age of 16 (he’s now 28) he has to inject 4 times a day for the rest of his life. I had to inject once a day for 6 weeks, yes, I do mean ‘minuscule’ insight, but I was so grateful to have the opportunity of a better understanding of what he does daily, as small as it was.
I’m a great believer that the universe sends us lessons for a reason – last year, May 2017, I fell running for a train (totally my fault, in a rush) I fractured my left foot and the next day I was back at work – this time I fractured my right foot, being a yoga teacher its good to be balanced!! However, this time the ‘universe’ made sure I slowed down by giving me no choice, I am truly lucky to have had this opportunity, as its given me the chance to reflect on my life and especially my business.
When I first opened BAYoga in August 2011 I had no idea how to run a business, I was a yoga teacher, passionate about what I do and wanting to share that passion with as many people as possible. I found the premises and set off. Its been a very steep learning curve and having now had the opportunity to focus more on the business, I realise that we can grow.
To that end, please let me know your thoughts about BAYoga, do you have any suggestions where you feel we can do better or is there anything you feel we can change for the better?
My email is cathy@bayoga.co.uk – do drop me a line