Journey to the Heart ! (Cacao & Kirtan) with Molly

Friday 26th July 6.45 to 8.45 PM

Join us for an Evening of Cacao, Kirtan & Community with Molly Anne Chinner

You’ll be guided through an intentional journey of songs and ancient mantras to forge a deeper connection with your heart.

Singing mantras, especially in community, is a tonic for the awakening soul. It allows us to drop into the field of the animate everything and commune with the pulsation of all that is, within the heart.

No singing experience is necessary!

Opening Circle
We will open our circle with supportive sharing and drinking a warming and heart-opening elixir of ceremonial cacao infused with seasonal herbs and spices. Ceremonial Cacao opens our hearts to receive a higher frequency – that of unconditional love and compassion. She gently guides us towards a more conscious and connected experience, through the softness of our presence and the portal of the heart. She is reaching her arms around our Earth now during this time of great suffering, singing her sweet song in the ears of those opening to a deeper and more united love. We will drink Cacao in ceremony to welcome in an abundant and supportive energy, and to open the heart.

Heart Songs / Mantra
Sing through your soul, sing with the voice of love. Drop into deep awareness and witness the medicine of your own pure resonance. You will be guided to explore a selection of beautiful mantras and intentional heart-songs to awaken the energy of love.

We will close with reflective sharing and community hugs!

*Cacao is very safe and gentle. The higher doses can be inappropriate for those who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, have serious heart/autoimmune conditions or are taking antidepressants, antipsychotics or SSRIs. Please let us know before arriving if you require an alternative.

Please wear clothes that you feel comfortable, warm and supported in. Please along bring a drum or rattle (if you have one!)

We look forward to the evening in community with you.

Everyone is welcome, all that we ask is that you come with an open heart and mind.

For those with low-affordability or limited resources we are offering a small number of discounted tickets. This will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email us at


FUNdamentals of Ashtanga Second Series

Learn the basics of Ashtanga second series in this 2 hour workshop with Caroline and Jayne

Practicing the Ashtanga second series demands dedication and discipline, leading to profound physical and mental transformations.

Benefits of the Second Series

 Join us and learn the fundamentals for the Ashtanga second series 

£30 in studio


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