The Breathing Body: a workshop with Caroline

Saturday 21st September, 3 – 5pm


This workshop explores yoga’s most powerful techniques to achieve mind-body integration and promote mental and physical health.

Links between breath and mind will first be experienced in a thoughtful asana practice designed for autonomic regulation. Reflecting on postural and breath characteristics, we will come to appreciate reasons for manipulating them. The asana practice will be followed by breathwork done seated or lying down.

We will address preparatory exercises, stimulating versus relaxing breath practices, the role of bandha, contraindications and approaches for mental health populations. We also explore the traditional yogic view of pranayama, highlighting insights from the latest scientific research, which is beginning to explain how regulating our breath influences hormones, blood chemistry, and stress responses. Alternatives are offered to tailor the practices to individual practitioners’ needs.

After this workshop you will:

Caroline has been breathing for 51 years so far, and hopes that this will continue a while longer 🙂

Image, Drawing Breath, copyright, Jayne Wilton



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