I started practicing Ashtanga in 2002 at Breathing Space in Harpenden , hoping it would help my back issues .
I experienced it’s healing effects and felt great after each practice.
My teachers encouraged me to take the 200 hour Ashtanga training , which I did in 2008 .
I have not had a break teaching since then.
I have been coming to Bay Yoga since 2009.
My practice had been affected by surgery to my hips and knees .
I learnt what the practice can do to heal during my recovery and use this experience to help others.
My Current focus along with regular practice and classes, is to introduce the Yoga in a lighter form to aid those recovering or dealing with serious illness.
I am retiring from my regular building work and intend to focus and develop this side of my classes .
I am a registered Teacher at Ashtanga Yoga Professionals where I hold Senior teacher recognition , having taught over 5000 hours.