Berkhamsted mum: Ten reasons you need self-care

Berkhamsted mum: Ten reasons why we need self-care

Feeling a little burnt out? Here’s some motivation to start practicing self-care.

  1. No one is immune from stress, loss, change, or ill health… we all have a fallible human body, we all lose people we love. We need self-care to keep us topped up, giving us a fighting chance in the face of life’s inevitable curveballs.


  1. Self-care helps us cope during challenging times. Often, this is when self-care gets dropped from the agenda because we are too time poor and fatigued, but this is precisely the time when we need to nourish ourselves. We just need an evolving toolkit that meets our needs and resources at different times.


  1. Self-care helps us heal whether it is a physical, mental or emotional wound. It’s about taking the time to soothe and seek out the help we need to process and move through trauma or injury.


  1. Self-care provides a buffer from future stress. Engaging in regular nourishment boosts our resilience and helps us respond with greater resourcefulness and creativity to challenging events.


  1. It feels good! Often, self-care is a pleasant and life-giving act and something that we deserve to really savour… Sometimes, the act itself might be uncomfortable, like taking that run when all you want to do is sloth on the sofa, or maybe it’s taking a look at why Scary Mummy is showing up. If it’s not intrinsically pleasurable it is expanding us and helping us grow in some way.


  1. Self-care is good for our relationships. When we take the time to engage our heads, hearts and bodies in ways that we find energizing and replenishing, we come together in relationship with lighter hearts and greater generosity. Great things blossom when we encourage each other to do things that make our spirit soar, better still do them together.


  1. We need to role model self-care for our kids. Want to raise compassionate and resilient kids? Who doesn’t! Rather than hoping they will pick it up by osmosis, that’s if we have our own self-care practice… teach them the tools of self-care, involve them in your rituals of nourishment.


  1. Self-care gives us access to compassion and this can transform the quality of our day in an instant. I can’t think of a quality more needed in this world. Use the mantra ‘I soften into this moment’ and feel how this cultivates greater calm, openness, acceptance, and compassion.


  1. Engage in self-care and you tap into your best self – it is the ultimate win win! Take little moments to energise when you’re feeling sluggish, to let off steam when you’re feeling full up, to focus when you’re feeling mentally dissipated, to just drop when you’ve been carrying a heavy burden. When we are kinder to ourselves, we are kinder people! Self-care helps us be a better incarnation of ourselves, and it benefits not only us, but every person our life touches.


  1. Without health, what do we have? So give yourself permission to nurture yourself head, heart and body.


Are you a Berkhamsted mum ready to go deeper on your self-care journey? Sign up for our self-care for mums workshop on Sunday 28th Jan

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